How to Hack Facebook Account – Multiple Methods of 2024


The information provided in this article is meant for personal use only, and is not meant to encourage any exploitation or hacking of online platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The webmasters and creators of this website take no responsibility for any illegal, illicit or suspicious activity that might arise from the use of the information provided in this article, and cannot be considered responsible for any prosecution or charges which arises from the use of any information herein, whether state, federal or international.


Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, and while people would like to have you believe that it’s impossible to hack or exploit, any programmer or social engineer can tell you that this is false; there is no such thing as an unbreakable code, and there’s no such thing as a website that you can’t exploit in some way or another.

While they’re able to keep on top of their game with constant updates that render older methods useless, there are still some tried and trusted methods that can be used to hack, exploit or crack a Facebook account or page – and these methods can’t always be protected against by the site itself, leaving a usable loophole.

There are many good and legal reasons why you might need to hack a Facebook account: One of the most common reasons is when you’ve locked yourself out of your own account and can’t get back in without a password, but it’s not the only reason why it’s important to know why to do it – or the only thing this article will teach you.

Once you know the methods for hacking a Facebook account, it’s a lot easier to keep your own Facebook account safe against similar hackers and exploits; the only way to protect yourself is to learn every single trick in the book yourself.

Here’s the up to date list for Facebook exploits and hacks that really work – and what you can do to protect your own Facebook account against being hacked without your knowledge or permission.

Facebook Hacking Methods

Jump to the Methods:
1. Phishing
2. Keyloggers
3. Middleman Method
4. Facebook Hacking Software
5. Stealer Tools
6. Password Guessing & Social Engineering
7. Hire a Professional Hacker

Can You Hack a Facebook Account?

A lot of internet experts and IT professionals claim that it’s impossible to hack Facebook password; if you’ve gotten to this page, you might have read a lot of inaccurate information already on whether or not you can hack a FB account, and you might have already tried a lot of methods that didn’t really work.

Some of these methods didn’t really work to begin with. But a lot of the methods you might have encountered in other articles might have worked at some point, but then fallen out of fashion when the website updated its software.

Just because you might have tried a bunch of methods already and they didn’t work doesn’t mean that you can’t do it.

It just means that you didn’t try any of the right methods.

Why Hack a Facebook Account?

When people hear the word “hack”, the first thing they think of is the darker side of the internet – or the movie with Angelina Jolie, usually. Not all hacking is negative in nature, and not all types of hacking is illegal, so unless you’re doing something stupid or obviously fringing on the wrong side of the law, you’re fine.

There are many good reasons why you might want to (legally) hack Facebook account or page.

  • You might have locked yourself out of your own account (usually by forgetting the password) and be unable to get back in.
  • You might have lost access to an old account and would like to recover information that’s stored on a previous profile.
  • You might be a parent that needs to check your minor child’s Facebook account due to security concerns.
  • You might be a private investigator, officer or IT professional who requires access to a Facebook account for legal and professional reasons.
  • You might be an IT professional doing a security test, which can require special access.

Legal Information

Reasons why you shouldn’t hack or exploit a Facebook page are obvious, and include any personal or financial gain, or any reasons that would make it a legal offence to do it: No stalking, no spying, no stealing.

If you access anyone’s Facebook account without their permission, you could be faced with severe penalties, including prosecution, a fine or imprisonment. Anything that you access from there can be an additional penalty on top of originally gaining access to the account, and when people are charged with hacking, they’re usually charged with more than one thing at a time.

If you are using any of the methods mentioned in this article to access a Facebook account for professional reasons such as penetration testing with someone’s permission, then make sure that you have the account holder’s permission in writing to gain access to their accounts – if necessary, make them sign a form beforehand if it’s part of your business to do so.

Also, always look up for review / reviews about the tool or application you’re planning to use before purchasing it.

  1. Phishing

What is Phishing?

Phishing is the concept of baiting a user to access a website that they think is familiar (and looks more or less right) through a link that isn’t.

It can be useful for everything from a simple online prank through to something more serious like getting someone’s login information in the middle of an investigation; and it’s one of those things that doesn’t take a lot of time, effort or money to do – and there are a few different ways in which you can achieve the same goal.

How to Phish

Most people access their Facebook account either by clicking on a bookmark, or clicking on a link. This link redirects them to – or in some cases, the mobile version. Here’s where the phish should take their opportunity, and whatever link the user clicks on to access their Facebook account should be switched out for a link that the phisher-man (or woman) has chosen and set up beforehand.

How do you get a user to click this link in the first place?

If you have any access to the PC, you can just replace the most-used bookmark with the link you’d like them to access – e.g. the site that looks like the correct site they’re trying to access; if you don’t have remote or in-person access to their computer, the easiest way is to send them the link – easiest via e-mail, harder through Messenger because you’re told exactly when you’re visiting a link that’s off the Facebook main site.

It’s vital that the e-mail or clicked link looks right, too, and originates from the right e-mail address: If not, why would anyone click on it in the first place?

Phishing Facebook

Your phishing page needs to be an ideal clone of the real login page; the easiest way to create a clone of something without putting too much time and effort into it is to visit the website through your chosen browser, and then “Save Page As” as a folder to your computer.

The more deeper tutorial how to make a FB phishing page from scratch can be found at BlackC0de’s blog which you can read here.

From there, you have a perfect copy of the chosen website – whether this is Facebook or something else.

Now, take a look at the source code: You’ll want to replace the applicable password form with your own – one that redirects the information back to a website or address that you’ve chosen that allows you to access it from there, or one that redirects the user to your chosen page after that.

If you want to ensure that it looks as real as possible, make the Login button re-direct to their real Facebook account; that way, even when your chosen link is clicked and used, nothing looks off or unusual in any way and they can continue using their account as normal while you’ve managed to achieve your goal.

The most important things to do for this step:

  1. Clone the Website (by saving it)
  2. Replace the Source Code (to save form information for your use)
  3. Make the Login Button Redirect (back to their real Facebook account)

The Next Step: Hosting the Clone

The first thing that you’ll notice when you test your cloned website is the fact that it’s still hosted on your computer. At this point, there’s no link to click on once you’ve made the website’s clone – at least not yet.

The next step for successful phishing is hosting the clone somewhere – usually on a cloud or a server. It has to be online for someone to get to it.

Once you’ve done this, your next step is making sure the link looks right – or as close to right as you can get.


The next thing you’ll notice with your phishing account is the fact that the link doesn’t look right even when it’s hosted on a website. There are a few ways in which this can be manipulated to look as close to real as possible.

The first way is by registering a domain that’s close to the link you need such as “” – and hoping that the user doesn’t spot this error when accessing the site. Obviously, this isn’t always effective – especially not when it’s a common name or term that someone sees every day.

The second way is by using domain spoofing, offered by websites like F.A.T. or URLify for free, and for pay by some competing services.

Protecting Yourself Against Phishing

If it’s this easy to do it, it might leave you wondering if you’ve ever been the victim of a phishing scam yourself. If you know the tricks behind it, it’s much easier to protect yourself against it, too.

It’s simple. Never click on a link within an email or message, even when it looks completely fine – and always check the URL bar and security certificate of websites that you access to make sure that nothing seems off.

  1. Keyloggers

Keyloggers became popular in the beginning days of hacking exploits, and they remain in popular use today – especially for when you need to gather information that’s typed into a form. It literally logs keystrokes, and sends a record of these through to the person on the other end of the connection.

It’s effortless, useful and usually just requires you to install a keylogger on the chosen computer or device. Sometimes this is done by remotely accessing the device, although there are many types of keyloggers that can install themselves when the user clicks on a link. This can require some creativity – but it’s just down to your basic social engineering skills, so use your head.

Popular keyloggers include SourceForge, BlackBox Express, Ardamax and KidLogger.

Protecting Against Keyloggers

It’s easy to protect yourself against the majority of keyloggers as long as you run regular checks on your system and keep your anti-spyware software up to date. It’s also important to avoid the installation of keyloggers on your system in the first place – so stick to trusted websites, don’t click any weird links and avoid software passed around via email.

  1. Middleman Method

Man-in-the-Middle methods involves intercepted communication between two people – and a little bit of creativity and social engineering mixed in. During a Man in the Middle attack, a third-party monitors the conversation and inserts messages into the conversation to achieve the goal of transferring information like login information or passwords.

It can be as simple as just asking someone for their password; people will trust a message that appears to come from their parents that just asks them to check their Facebook account and remove an embarrassing photo in most cases. If that doesn’t fit the situation, be more creative.

Protecting Yourself Against MITM Attacks

You can protect yourself against Man in the Middle attacks by making sure that all your conversations are encrypted at all times – and by never volunteering your personal information via message.

  1. Facebook Hacking Software

Hacking software that has already been made with the chosen hack in mind can prove to be a big help when you’re looking to exploit a website – and it doesn’t take a lot of time and effort on your end, just the right type of software that’s already been tested to work.

The most important thing that you should remember in the case of using cracking software is that you should stick to reputable one like the FB Shredder is.

FB ShredderIf you use other websites to do your hacking job for you, you might end up being hacked yourself – and you’ll have fallen victim to an attack just because you left a vulnerability wide open in your own system.

The FB Shredder tool is guaranteed to be up to date and working to hack Facebook account passwords through brute-force attacks.

Protecting Yourself Against Hacking Software

Protecting yourself against hacking software can sometimes be a lot harder than protecting yourself against any other forms of attack such as keyloggers. This is because hacking software usually doesn’t require the use of the user’s PC to access it, it doesn’t require hosting and it doesn’t require you to have any programming knowledge to do it.

If you want to protect yourself against vulnerabilities that can come from cracking tool, then you should change your passwords regularly, and choose the kind of passwords that can’t be cracked as easily.

  1. Stealer Tools

Password Stealer tools are one of the most effective methods mentioned in this article just because they’re nearly impossible to protect against once they’ve been implemented, and they can harvest the passwords, logins and information from several websites at once and save all of these in a remote file – hosted either on the same USB as the stealer tool, or hosted somewhere else where it can be accessed.

Because they can harvest passwords and login information that has already been typed in, they’re much more effective than keyloggers, which rely on someone typing the password into the computer or device in the first place.

Stealer tools usually need to be installed on the computer, either through a USB drive (as a hidden file), sent to someone as an email, or hidden in a file like a picture or Word document. The moment the user opens a file that has the stealer tool embedded in it, then it can do its job.

It’s also important to the operation of the stealing tool that you get rid of it after it’s done its job and harvested the passwords that you need; either erase it from the disk, get rid of the file or wipe the entire PC. Many stealer tools will uninstall themselves automatically when they’re done – but make sure whether it does before you assume this and if it doesn’t delete itself, do it yourself rather than take the risk of the software being picked up later on.

Protecting Yourself Against Stealer Tools

Stealer tools are one of the most effective possible methods for gathering several passwords and logins at once, and it’s obvious that you would want to protect yourself against these. Again, knowing how to do it makes it much easier to protect against it.

The best way to protect yourself against stealer tools is to avoid them being installed on your system. Avoid the use of any USB systems that you don’t know, don’t click any links – and don’t open any attachments that can leave your system vulnerable.

If you suspect that you’ve been the victim of a stealer tool hack, the first thing you should do is find the stealer tool and remove it from your computer (sometimes a re-install is the only way for some) and change all of your passwords, possibly using another computer or device.

  1. Password Guessing & Social Engineering

One of the most effective ways to access someone’s password and login information is sometimes just by asking for it. This method is called social engineering, and it’s a clever way of manipulating conversation (usually by pretending to be tech support) and getting someone to give you access to their login information this way. It can take an email, a phone call or a chat to do this – and in the majority of cases, it’s more effective than you think.

The Social Engineering Way

Remember that you don’t have to ask someone for their password to get access; sometimes this is too obvious to fool anyone. In these cases, rather ask someone for the answer to their security questions – either outright by pretending to be tech support, or in conversational form. Be creative when you do this: You can pretend to be someone they know from school, or you can choose to pretend you’re doing a survey on the area – or pets. Whatever is appropriate works.

Password Guessing

Password guessing is one of the best ways to get into someone’s account because there’s no outbound software that can be found later on – and it’s not as much guesswork as you might think.

When you’re trying to guess what someone might use as a password, you’ll want to know some more about them – so do your research. Search all public records and accounts to harvest information on their pets, their maiden names, their family’s names, their address and anything that can be a potential security question that can help you to gain access to the account.

Many times, it’s not the password that you’ll need to guess, but the security questions that allows you to recover the password – any one that doesn’t send a recovery email to their email address.

When you’re given the option to recover your password, you’re usually asked a whole range of simple security questions – and then granted access to your account (or the ability to reset your password) if you get them right. These aren’t hard questions, unless someone outright lied on their security questions list, and either social engineering or clever research and guesswork can help you to find the answers to their security questions.

Protecting Yourself Against Password Guessing

Change your passwords regularly, choose passwords that are impossible to guess (with a combination of different characters and numbers in it) and lie your way through your security questions so that they can’t be guessed even by someone who has information about what the real answers would be.

So this is it for today. Hope you learned some new tricks to hack Facebook account which will help you to retrieve your lost or stolen profile back, and make you more smarter and skilled in future to keep it safe.

  1. Hire a Professional Hacker

If you are too busy learning hacking techniques by yourself, you can always let a professional do all the job for you. But unlike the previous methods, this one is not free. So prepare to spend few hundreds of dollars to cover their fee. Total price depends on how demanding their work would be.

We recommend taking hacking services from providers below. The list is made from most to lesser rated ones (based on a dark web hack-forums ranking):

– Awaken Cybers